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Streamline DevOps Workflows with Edge Stack

Optimize Your DevOps Lifecycle for Speed, Efficiency, and Security.
Download now to learn why Kubernetes-native Edge Stack is essential for DevOps.

    In the dynamic world of DevOps, managing microservices efficiently is critical to accelerating development cycles, ensuring high availability, and maintaining robust security. Edge Stack, the Kubernetes-native API gateway, is engineered to empower DevOps teams by simplifying application deployment, scaling, and security across your Kubernetes environments.

    The ease of setup and maintainability is what I like most about Edge Stack API Gateway. Our favorite feature is Mapping and Filter CRDs. Its the cherry on top for our CD pipeline,

    –Andrew Ellis, Fluid Truck, Head of DevOps.

    How to choose an API Gateway? Read more in our API Buyer’s Guide

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    Why Kubernetes-native Edge Stack is Essential for DevOps

    Edge Stack enhances Kubernetes efficiency and security, streamlining DevOps and platform engineering for robust, responsive applications.

    Seamless Kubernetes Integration:

    Edge Stack is designed from the ground up to integrate flawlessly with Kubernetes, enabling you to leverage the full power of container orchestration for your microservices. Ensure your DevOps team can focus on delivering value rather than managing infrastructure complexities.

    Automated Scalability & Efficiency:
    With Edge Stack, scaling your applications becomes effortless, enabling your team to meet demand without manual intervention. This reduces operational overhead and allows DevOps teams to focus on innovation and driving business outcomes.

    Empower your Platform Engineering Teams:
    Edge Stack's advanced automation capabilities enable effortless management of Kubernetes infrastructure and network policies for enhanced operational efficiency and reliability.

    Advanced Security for DevOps Speed:
    Security is non-negotiable in the DevOps world. Edge Stack provides comprehensive security features such as rate limiting, IP whitelisting, SSL/TLS encryption, Web Application Firewall (WAF) capabilities, and more, ensuring your applications are secure without sacrificing speed.

    High Availability with Intelligent Routing:
    Keep your applications highly available with Edge Stack's intelligent routing features like automatic retries, circuit breakers, and rate limiting. Progressive deployment strategies supported by Edge Stack, such as canary releases, enable you to roll out updates safely, ensuring continuous delivery and uptime.

    Boosted Developer Productivity:
    By removing the need for additional plugins or complex infrastructure setups, Edge Stack simplifies the DevOps workflow, significantly enhancing developer satisfaction and productivity. Its cloud-native design and easy integration with the Kubernetes ecosystem make it the ideal tool for DevOps teams looking to streamline their operations.

    Check out the Edge Stack Demo

    Elevate Your Development Experience with Edge Stack

    Check out how Edge Stack can streamline your development process and enhance your applications' performance and security. Dive into our documentation

    Edge Stack API Gateway