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Why Telepresence?

Let's assume you have a web service which listens on port 8080, and has a Dockerfile which gets built to an image called examplecom/servicename. Your service depends on other Kubernetes Service instances (thing1 and thing2), and on a cloud database.

The Kubernetes staging environment looks like this:

graph LR
subgraph Kubernetes in Cloud
code["k8s.Pod: servicename"]
s1["k8s.Service: servicename"]---code
code---s2["k8s.Service: thing1"]
code---s3["k8s.Service: thing2"]
code---c1>"Cloud Database (AWS RDS)"]

The slow status quo

If you need that cloud database and those two services to directly test your software, you will need to do the following to test a change:

  1. Change your code.
  2. Build a Docker image.
  3. Push the Docker image to a Docker registry in the cloud.
  4. Update the staging Kubernetes cluster to use your new image.
  5. Wait for the image to download.

This is slow.

graph TD
subgraph Laptop
code["Source code for servicename"]==>local["Docker image"]
subgraph Kubernetes in Cloud
local==>registry["Docker registry"]
registry==>deployment["k8s.Deployment: servicename"]
s1["k8s.Service: servicename"]---deployment
deployment---s2["k8s.Service: thing1"]
deployment---s3["k8s.Service: thing2"]
deployment---c1>"Cloud Database (AWS RDS)"]

A fast development cycle with Telepresence

Telepresence works by running your code locally, as a normal local process, and then forwarding requests to/from the Kubernetes cluster.

graph TD
subgraph Laptop
code["Source code for servicename"]==>local["local process"]
local---client[Telepresence client]
subgraph Kubernetes in Cloud
client-.-proxy["k8s.Pod: Telepresence proxy"]
s1["k8s.Service: servicename"]---proxy
proxy---s2["k8s.Service: thing1"]
proxy---s3["k8s.Service: thing2"]
proxy---c1>"Cloud Database (AWS RDS)"]

This means development is fast: you only have to change your code and restart your process. Many web frameworks also do automatic code reload, in which case you won't even need to restart.

Other options

For more discussion of the solution space for local development see the article Development Environments for Microservices.