Docsright arrowEmissary-ingressright arrow2.0right arrowBasic rate limiting

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Basic rate limiting

Rate limiting in Emissary-ingress is composed of two parts:

  • The RateLimitService resource tells Emissary-ingress what external service to use for rate limiting.

  • Labels that get attached to requests. A label is basic metadata that is used by the RateLimitService to decide which limits to apply to the request.

Labels are grouped according to domain and group:

The names of domains and groups are not interpreted by Emissary-ingress in any way: they are solely there to help configuration authors remember the different groupings. Note that at present, rate limiting supports just one domain: the name of the domain must be configured in the RateLimitService.

Attaching labels to requests

There are two ways of setting labels on a request:

  1. You can set labels on an individual [Mapping](../mappings will only apply to requests that use that Mapping.

  2. You can set global labels in the ambassador Module. These labels will apply to every request that goes through Emissary-ingress.

    If a Mapping and the defaults both give label groups for the same domain, the default labels are prepended to each label group from the Mapping. If the Mapping does not give any labels for that domain, the global labels are placed into a new label group named "default" for that domain.

Each label group is a list of labels; each label is a key/value pair. Since the label group is a list rather than a map:

  • it is possible to have multiple labels with the same key, and
  • the order of labels matters.

Note: The terminology used by the Envoy documentation differs from the terminology used by Emissary-ingress:

label groupdescriptor
labeldescriptor entry
label specifierrate limit action

The Mappings' listing of the groups of specifiers have names for the groups; the group names are useful for humans dealing with the YAML, but are ignored by Emissary-ingress, all Emissary-ingress cares about are the contents of the groupings of label specifiers.

There are 5 types of label specifiers in Emissary-ingress:

  1. source_cluster

    Sets the label source_cluster=«Envoy source cluster name»". The Envoy source cluster name is the name of the Envoy cluster that the request came in on.

    The syntax of this label currently requires source_cluster: {}.

  2. destination_cluster

    Sets the label destination_cluster=«Envoy destination cluster name»". The Envoy destination cluster name is the name of the Envoy cluster to which the Mapping routes the request. You can get the name for a cluster from the diagnostics service.

    The syntax of this label currently requires destination_cluster: {}.

  3. remote_address

    Sets the label remote_address=«IP address of the client»". The IP address of the client will be taken from the X-Forwarded-For header, to correctly manage situations with L7 proxies. This requires that Emissary-ingress be correctly configured to communicate.

    The syntax of this label currently requires remote_address: {}.

  4. request_headers

    If a header named header-name is present, set the label mykey=«value of the header». If no header named header-name is present, the entire label group is dropped.

  5. generic_key

    Sets the label «mykey»=«myval». Note that supplying a key is supported only with the Envoy V3 API: if you are using Envoy V2, the key will always be the constant generic_key.

Rate limiting requests based on their labels

This is determined by your RateLimitService implementation. See the Basic Rate Limiting tutorial for an example RateLimitService implementation for Emissary-ingress.

If you'd rather not write your own RateLimitService implementation, Ambassador Edge Stack provides a RateLimitService implementation that is configured by a RateLimit custom resource. See the Ambassador Edge Stack RateLimit Reference for more information.