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The OAuth2 Filter Type (v3alpha1)

The OAuth2 Filter type performs OAuth2 authorization against an identity provider implementing OIDC Discovery.

This doc is an overview of all the fields on the OAuth2 Filter Custom Resource with descriptions of the purpose, type, and default values of those fields. This page is specific to the version of the OAuth2 Filter resource. For the newer resource, please see the v1alpha1 OAuth2 Filter api reference.

OAuth2 Filter API Reference

To create an OAuth2 Filter, the spec.type must be set to oauth2, and the oauth2 field must contain the configuration for your OAuth2 filter.


authorizationURLstringIdentity Provider Issuer URL which hosts the OpenID provider well-known configurartion. The URL must be an absolute URL. Per OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0 the configuration must be provided in a json document at the path /.well-known/openid-configuration. This is used by the OAuth2 Filter for determining things like the AuthorizationEndpoint, TokenEndpoint, JWKs endpint, etc...
expirationSafetyMarginDurationSets a buffer to check if the Token is expired or is going to expire within the safety margin. This is to ensure the application has enough time to reauthenticate to adjust for clock skew and network latency. By default, no safety margin is added. If a token is received with an expiration less than this field, then the token is considered to already be expired.
grantTypeEnum("AuthorizationCode","ClientCredentials","Password","ResourceOwner")Sets the Authorization Flow that the filter will use to authenticate the incoming request.
clientAuthenticationClientAuthenticationDefines how the OAuth2 Filter will authenticate with the iDP token endpoint. By default, it will pass it along as password in the Authentication header. Depending on how your iDP is configured it might require a JWTAssertion or passing the password.
protectedOrigins[]ProtectedOrigin(You determine these, and must register them with your identity provider) Identifies hostnames that can appropriately set cookies for the application. Only the scheme (https://) and authority ( parts are used; the path part of the URL is ignored
useSessionCookiesSessionCookiesBy default, any cookies set by Ambassador Edge Stack will be set to expire when the session expires naturally. useSessionCookies may be used to cause session cookies to be used instead
clientSessionMaxIdleDurationControls how long the session held by Ambassador Edge Stack's OAuth client will last until we automatically expire it. Ambassador Edge Stack creates a new session when submitting requests to the upstream backend server and sets a cookie containing the sessionID. When a user makes a request to a backend service protected by the OAuth2 Filter, the OAuth Client in Ambassador Edge Stack will use the sessionID contained in the cookie to fetch the access token (and optional refresh token) for the current session so that it can be used when submitting a request to the upstream backend service. This session has a limited lifetime before it expires or extended, prompting the user to log back in. Setting a clientSessionMaxIdle duration is useful when your IdP is configured to return a refresh token along with an access token from your IdP's authorization server. clientSessionMaxIdle can be set to match Ambassador Edge Stack OAuth client's session lifetime to the lifetime of the refresh token configured within the IdP. If this is not set, then we tie the OAuth client's session lifetime to the lifetime of the access token received from the IdP's authorization server when no refresh token is also provided. If there is a refresh token, then by default we set it to be 14 days
postLogoutRedirectURIstringSet this field to a valid URL to have Ambassador Edge Stack redirect there upon a successful logout. You must register the following endpoint with your IDP as the Post Logout Redirect {{ORIGIN}}/.ambassador/oauth2/post-logout-redirect. This informs your IDP to redirect back to Ambassador Edge Stack once the IDP has cleared the session data. Once the IDP has redirected back to Ambassador Edge Stack, this clears the local Ambassador Edge Stack session information before redirecting to the destination specified by the postLogoutRedirectURI value. If Post Logout Redirect is configured in your IDP to {{ORIGIN}}/.ambassador/oauth2/post-logout-redirect then, after a successful logout, a redirect is issued to the URL configured in postLogoutRedirectURI. If {{ORIGIN}}/.ambassador/oauth2/post-logout-redirect is configured as the Post Logout Redirect in your IDP, but postLogoutRedirectURI is not configured in Ambassador Edge Stack, then your IDP will error out as it will be expecting specific instructions for the post logout behavior. Refer to your IDP’s documentation to verify if it supports Post Logout Redirects. For more information on post_logout_redirect_uri functionality, refer to the OpenID Connect RP-Initiated Logout 1.0 specs
extraAuthorizationParametersmap[string]stringExtra (non-standard or extension) OAuth authorization parameters to use. It is not valid to specify a parameter used by OAuth itself ("response_type", "client_id", "redirect_uri", "scope", or "state")
clientIDstringThe Client ID you get from your identity provider
secretstringThe client secret you get from your identity provider as a string. It is invalid to configure both secret and secretName
secretNamestringThe client secret you get from your identity provider as a Kubernetes generic Secret, named by secretName/secretNamespace. The Kubernetes secret must of the generic type, with the value stored under the keyoauth2-client-secret. If secretNamespace is not given, it defaults to the namespace of the Filter resource. It is invalid to configure both secret and secretName
secretNamespacestringThe client secret you get from your identity provider as a Kubernetes generic Secret, named by secretName/secretNamespace. The Kubernetes secret must of the generic type, with the value stored under the keyoauth2-client-secret. If secretNamespace is not given, it defaults to the namespace of the Filter resource. It is invalid to configure both secret and secretName
allowMalformedAccessTokenboolAllow any access token, even if they are not RFC 6750-compliant.
accessTokenValidationEnum("jwt","userinfo","auto")How to verify the liveness and scope of Access Tokens issued by the identity provider. Empty or unset is equivalent to "auto"
accessTokenJWTFilterAccessTokenJWTFilterUsed to identify a JWT Filter to use for validating access token JWTs. It is an error to point at a Filter that is not a JWT filter
injectRequestHeaders[]AddHeaderTemplateinjects HTTP header fields in to the request before sending it to the upstream service; where the header value can be set based on the JWT value. If an OAuth2 filter is chained with a JWT filter with injectRequestHeaders configured, both sets of headers will be injected. If the same header is injected in both filters, the OAuth2 filter will populate the value. The value is specified as a Go text/template string
insecureTLSbooldisables TLS verification when speaking to an identity provider with an https:// authorizationURL. This is discouraged in favor of either using plain http:// or installing a self-signed certificate
renegotiateTLSEnum("never","onceAsClient","freelyAsClient")Allows a remote server to request TLS renegotiation
maxStaleDurationHow long to keep stale cached OIDC replies for. This sets the max-stale Cache-Control directive on requests, and also ignores the no-store and no-cache Cache-Control directives on responses. This is useful for maintaining good performance when working with identity providers with misconfigured Cache-Control. Setting to 0 means that it will default back to the identity provider's default cache settings as specified by the Cache-Control directives on responses which may include no caching depending if the identity provider sets the no-cache and no-store directives. Note that if you are reusing the same authorizationURL and jwksURI across different OAuth and JWT filters respectively, then you MUST set maxStale as a consistent value on each filter to get predictable caching behavior

grantType options:

  • "AuthorizationCode": Authenticate by redirecting to a login page served by the identity provider.
  • "Password": Authenticate by requiring X-Ambassador-Username and X-Ambassador-Password on all incoming requests, and use them to authenticate with the identity provider using the OAuth2 Resource Owner Password Credentials grant type.
  • "ClientCredentials": Authenticate by requiring that the incoming HTTP request include as headers the credentials for Ambassador to use to authenticate to the identity provider.
    • The type of credentials needing to be submitted depends on the clientAuthentication.method (below):
    • For "HeaderPassword" and "BodyPassword", the headers X-Ambassador-Client-ID and X-Ambassador-Client-Secret must be set.
    • For "JWTAssertion", the X-Ambassador-Client-Assertion header must be set to a JWT that is signed by your client secret, and conforms with the requirements in RFC 7521 section 5.2 and RFC 7523 section 3, as well as any additional specified by your identity provider.

accessTokenValidation options:

  • "jwt": Validates the Access Token as a JWT.

    • By default: It accepts the RS256, RS384, or RS512 signature algorithms, and validates the signature against the JWKS from OIDC Discovery. It then validates the exp, iat, nbf, iss (with the Issuer from OIDC Discovery), and scope claims: if present, none of the scope values are required to be present. This relies on the identity provider using non-encrypted signed JWTs as Access Tokens, and configuring the signing appropriately
    • This behavior can be modified by delegating to JWT Filter with accessTokenJWTFilter:
  • "userinfo": Validates the access token by polling the OIDC UserInfo Endpoint. This means that Ambassador Edge Stack must initiate an HTTP request to the identity provider for each authorized request to a protected resource. This performs poorly, but functions properly with a wider range of identity providers. It is not valid to set accessTokenJWTFilter if accessTokenValidation: userinfo.

  • "auto" attempts to do "jwt" validation if any of these conditions are true:

    • accessTokenJWTFilter is set
    • grantType is "ClientCredentials"
    • the Access Token parses as a JWT and the signature is valid,
    • If none of the above conditions are satisfied, it falls back to "userinfo" validation.


Duration is a field that accepts a string that will be parsed as a sequence of decimal numbers (metav1.Duration), each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h". See Go time.ParseDuration.


Configures how Ambassador uses the clientID and secret to authenticate itself to the identity provider

methodEnum("HeaderPassword","BodyPassword","JWTAssertion")Defines the type of client authentication that will be used
jwtAssertionJWTAssertionThis field is only used when method: "JWTAssertion". Allows setting a JWT Filter with custom settings on how to verify JWT obtained via the OAuth2 flow.

method options:

  • "HeaderPassword": Treat the client secret as a password, and pack that in to an HTTP header for HTTP Basic authentication.
  • "BodyPassword": Treat the client secret as a password, and put that in the HTTP request bodies submitted to the identity provider. This is NOT RECOMMENDED by RFC 6749, and should only be used when using HeaderPassword isn't possible.
  • "JWTAssertion": Treat the client secret as a password, and put that in the HTTP request bodies submitted to the identity provider. This is NOT RECOMMENDED by RFC 6749, and should only be used when using HeaderPassword isn't possible.


Allows setting a JWT Filter with custom settings on how to verify JWT obtained via the OAuth2 flow.

setClientIDboolWhether to set the Client ID as an HTTP parameter; setting it as an HTTP parameter is optional (per RFC 7521 §4.2) because the Client ID is also contained in the JWT itself, but some identity providers document that they require it to also be set as an HTTP parameter anyway.
audiencestringThis field is ignored when grantType: "ClientCredentials". The audience your IDP requires for authentication. If not set then the default will be to use the token endpoint from the OIDC discovery document.
signingMethodValidAlgorithmsThe set of signing algorithms that can be considered when verifying tokens attached to requests. If the token is signed with an algorithm that is not in this list then it will be rejected. If not provided then all supported algorithms are allowed. The list should match the set configured in the iDP, as well as the full set of possible valid tokens maybe received. For example, if you may have previously supported RS256 & RS512 but you have decided to only receive tokens signed using RS512 now. This will cause existing tokens to be rejected.
lifetimeDurationThis field is ignored when grantType: "ClientCredentials". The lifetime of the generated JWT; just enough time for the request to the identity provider to complete (plus possibly an extra allowance for clock skew).
setNBFboolThis field is ignored when grantType: "ClientCredentials". Whether to set the optional "nbf" ("Not Before") claim in the generated JWT.
nbfSafetyMarginDurationThis field is only used when setNBF: true The safety margin to build-in to the "nbf" claim, to allow for clock skew between ambassador and the identity provider.
setIATboolThis field is ignored when grantType: "ClientCredentials". Whether to set the optional "iat" ("Issued At") claim in the generated JWT.
otherClaims[]byte (Encoded JSON)This field is ignored when grantType: "ClientCredentials". Key/value pairs that will be add to the JWT sent for client Auth to the Identity Provider
otherHeaderParameters[]byte (Encoded JSON)This field is ignored when grantType: "ClientCredentials". Any extra JWT header parameters to include in the generated JWT non-standard claims to include in the generated JWT; only the "typ" and "alg" header parameters are set by default.


Valid Algorithms is an enum with quite a few entries, the possible values are:

  • "none"
  • ECDSA Algorithms: "ES256", "ES384", "ES512"
    • The secret must be a PEM-encoded Eliptic Curve private key
  • HMAC-SHA Algorithms: "HS256", "HS384", "HS512"
    • The secret is a raw string of bytes; it can contain anything
  • RSA-PSS Algorithms: "PS256", "PS384", "PS512"
    • The secret must be a PEM-encoded RSA private key
  • RSA Algorithms: "RS256", "RS384", "RS512"
    • The secret must be a PEM-encoded RSA private key


You determine these, and must register them with your identity provider. Identifies hostnames that can appropriately set cookies for the application. Only the scheme (https://) and authority ( parts are used; the path part of the URL is ignored. You will need to register each origin in protectedOrigins as an authorized callback endpoint with your identity provider. The URL will look like {{ORIGIN}}/.ambassador/oauth2/redirection-endpoint.

If you provide more than one protectedOrigin, all share the same authentication system, so that logging into one origin logs you into all origins; to have multiple domains that have separate logins, use separate Filters.

originstringThe absolute URL (schema://hostname) that is protected by the OAuth2 Filter
includeSubdomainsboolEnables protecting sub-domains of the domain identified in the Origin field. Example, when Origin= then the subdomain of would be watched.
allowedInternalOrigins[]stringIndentifies a list of allowed internal origins that were set by a downstream proxy via a host header rewrite. The origins identified in this list ensures the request is allowed and will ensure it redirects correctly to the upstream origin. For example, a downstream client will communicate with an origin of but then an internal proxy will do a rewrite so that the host header received by Edge Stack is http://example.internal.

Note about allowedInternalOrigins: This field is primarily used to allow you to tell Ambassador Edge Stack that there is another gateway in front of Ambassador Edge Stack that rewrites the Host header, so that on the internal network between that gateway and Ambassador Edge Stack, the origin appears to be allowedInternalOrigins instead of origin. As a special-case the scheme and/or authority of the allowedInternalOrigins may be "*", which matches any scheme or any domain respectively. Using "*" is most useful in configurations with exactly one protected origin; in such a configuration, Ambassador Edge Stack doesn't need to know what the origin looks like on the internal network, just that a gateway in front of Ambassador Edge Stack is rewriting it. It is invalid to use "*" with includeSubdomains: true.

For example, if you have a gateway in front of Ambassador Edge Stack handling traffic for, terminating TLS and routing that traffic to Ambassador Edge Stack with the name example.internal, you might write:

or, to avoid being fragile to renaming example.internal to something else, since there are not multiple origins that the Filter must distinguish between, you could instead write:


List of headers that will be injected into the upstream request if allowed through. The headers can pull information from the Token has values. For example, attaching user email claim to a header from the token.

namestringThe name of the header to inject value into
valuestring (GoLang Template)A Golang template that can dynamically extract request information as the value of the injected header.

The header value can be set based on the JWT value. If an OAuth2 Filter is chained with a JWT filter with injectRequestHeaders configured, both sets of headers will be injected. If the same header is injected in both filters, the OAuth2 Filter will populate the value. The value is specified as a [Go text/template][] string, with the following data made available to it:

  • .token.Raw → The access token raw JWT (string)
  • .token.Header → The access token JWT header (as parsed JSON: map[string]interface{})
  • .token.Claims → The access token JWT claims (as parsed JSON: map[string]interface{})
  • .token.Signature → The access token signature (string)
  • .idToken.Raw → The raw id token JWT (string)
  • .idToken.Header → The id token JWT header (as parsed JSON: map[string]interface{})
  • .idToken.Claims → The id token JWT claims (as parsed JSON: map[string]interface{})
  • .idToken.Signature → The id token signature (string)
  • .httpRequestHeaderhttp.Header a copy of the header of the incoming HTTP request. Any changes to .httpRequestHeader (such as by using using .httpRequestHeader.Set) have no effect. It is recommended to use .httpRequestHeader.Get instead of treating it as a map, in order to handle capitalization correctly.


By default, any cookies set by the Ambassador Edge Stack will be set to expire when the session expires naturally. The useSessionCookies setting may be used to cause session cookies to be used instead.

  • Normally cookies are set to be deleted at a specific time; session cookies are deleted whenever the user closes their web browser. This may mean that the cookies are deleted sooner than normal if the user closes their web browser; conversely, it may mean that cookies persist for longer than normal if the use does not close their browser.
  • The cookies being deleted sooner may or may not affect user-perceived behavior, depending on the behavior of the identity provider.
  • Any cookies persisting longer will not affect behavior of the system; Ambassador Edge Stack validates whether the session is expired when considering the cookie.

If useSessionCookies is non-null, then:

  • By default it will have the cookies for all requests be session cookies or not according to the useSessionCookies.value sub-argument.
  • Setting the useSessionCookies.ifRequestHeader sub-argument tells it to use useSessionCookies.value for requests that match the condition, and !useSessionCookies.value for requests don't match.

When determining if a request matches, it looks at the HTTP header field named by (case-insensitive), and checks if it is either set to (if useSessionCookies.ifRequestHeader.negate: false) or not set to (if useSessionCookies.ifRequestHeader.negate: true)...

  • a non-empty string (if neither useSessionCookies.ifRequestHeader.value nor useSessionCookies.ifRequestHeader.valueRegex are set)
  • the exact string value (case-sensitive) (if useSessionCookies.ifRequestHeader.value is set)
  • a string that matches the regular expression useSessionCookies.ifRequestHeader.valueRegex (if valueRegex is set). This uses RE2 syntax (always, not obeying regex_type in the Module) but does not support the \C escape sequence.
  • (it is invalid to have both value and valueRegex set)


Checks if exact or regular expression matches a value in a request Header to determine if an individual Filter is executed or not.

namestringName of the header to match. Matching is case insensitive. (See Valid examples: "Authorization"/"Set-Cookie"/":method".
valuestringValue of the HTTP Header to be matched. Only one of value or valueRegex can be configured
valueRegexstringRegex expression for matching the value of the HTTP Header. Only one of value or valueRegex can be configured. This uses RE2 syntax (always, not obeying regex_type in the ambassador Module) but does not support the \C escape sequence.
negateboolAllows the match criteria to be negated or flipped. For example, you can have a regex that checks for any non-empty string which would indicate would translate to if header exists on request then match on it. With negate turned on this would translate to match on any request that doesn't have a header.


Appears On: OAuth2Filter Reference to a JWT Filter to be executed after the OAuth2 Filter finishes

namestringName of the JWTFilter used to verify AccessToken. Note the Filter refrenced here must be a JWTFilter.
namespacestringNamespace of the JWTFilter used to verify AccessToken. Note the Filter refrenced here must be a JWTFilter.
inheritScopeArgument:boolWill use the same scope as set on the FilterPolicy OAuth2Arguments. If the JWTFilter sets a scope as well then the union of the two will be used.
stripInheritedScopeboolDetermines whether or not to santized a scope that is formatted as an URI and was inherited from the FilterPolicy OAuth2Arguments. This will be done prior to passing it along to the referenced JWTFilter. This requires that InheritScopeArgument is true.
argumentsJWTArgumentsDefines the input arguments that can be set for a JWTFilter.


Defines the input arguments that can be set for a JWTFilter.

scope[]stringA list of OAuth scope values to include in the scope of the authorization request. If one of the scope values for a path is not granted, then access to that resource is forbidden; if the scope argument lists foo, but the authorization response from the provider does not include foo in the scope, then it will be taken to mean that the authorization server forbade access to this path, as the authenticated user does not have the foo resource scope.

Some notes about scope:

  • If grantType: "AuthorizationCode", then the openid scope value is always included in the requested scope, even if it is not listed.
  • If grantType: "ClientCredentials" or grantType: "Password", then the default scope is empty. If your identity provider does not have a default scope, then you will need to configure one here.
  • As a special case, if the offline_access scope value is requested, but not included in the response then access is not forbidden. With many identity providers, requesting the offline_access scope is necessary to receive a Refresh Token.
  • The ordering of scope values does not matter, and is ignored.