Docsright arrowEdge Stackright arrow3.1right arrowUpgrade Emissary-ingress 3.1.0 to Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 (YAML)

7 min • read

Upgrade Emissary-ingress 3.1.0 to Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 (YAML)

You can upgrade from Emissary-ingress to Ambassador Edge Stack with a few simple commands. When you upgrade to Ambassador Edge Stack, you'll be able to access additional capabilities such as automatic HTTPS/TLS termination, Swagger/OpenAPI support, API catalog, Single Sign-On, and more. For more about the differences between Ambassador Edge Stack and Emissary-ingress, see the Editions page.

Migration Overview

The recommended strategy for migration is to run Emissary-ingress 3.1.0 and Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 side-by-side in the same cluster. This gives Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 and Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 access to all the same configuration resources, with some important notes:

  1. If needed, you can use labels to further isolate configurations.

    If you need to prevent your Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 installation from seeing a particular bit of Emissary-ingress 3.1.0 configuration, you can apply a Kubernetes label to the configuration resources that should be seen by your Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 installation, then set its AMBASSADOR_LABEL_SELECTOR environment variable to restrict its configuration to only the labelled resources.

    For example, you could apply a version-two: true label to all resources that should be visible to Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0, then set AMBASSADOR_LABEL_SELECTOR=version-two=true in its Deployment.

  2. Ambassador Edge Stack ACME and Filters will be disabled while Emissary-ingress is still running.

    Since Ambassador Edge Stack and Emissary-ingress share configuration, Ambassador Edge Stack cannot configure its ACME or other filter processors without also affecting Emissary-ingress. This migration process is written to simply disable these Ambassador Edge Stack features to make it simpler to roll back, if needed. Alternate, you can isolate the two configurations as described above.

  3. Be careful to only have one Ambassador Edge Stack Agent running at a time.

    The Ambassador Edge Stack Agent is responsible for communications between Ambassador Edge Stack and Ambassador Cloud. If multiple versions of the Agent are running simultaneously, Ambassador Cloud could see conflicting information about your cluster.

    The best way to avoid multiple agents when installing with Helm is to use --set emissary-ingress.agent.enabled=false to tell Helm not to install a new Agent with Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0. Once testing is done, you can switch Agents safely.

  4. Be careful about label selectors on Kubernetes Services!

    If you have services in Emissary-ingress 3.X that use selectors that will match Pods from Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0, traffic will be erroneously split between Emissary-ingress 2.3 and Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0. The labels used by Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 include:

You can also migrate by installing Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 in a separate cluster. This permits absolute certainty that your Emissary-ingress 3.1.0 configuration will not be affected by changes meant for Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0, but it is more effort.

Side-by-Side Migration Steps

Migration is a six-step process:

  1. Install new CRDs.

    Before installing Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 itself, you need to update the CRDs in your cluster. This is mandatory during any upgrade of Ambassador Edge Stack.

  2. Install Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0.

    After installing the new CRDs, you need to install Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 itself in the same namespace as your existing Emissary-ingress 3.1.0 installation. It's important to use the same namespace so that the two installations can see the same secrets, etc.

    We publish three manifests for different namespaces. Use only the one that matches the namespace into which you installed Emissary-ingress 3.1.0:

    All three files are set up as follows:

    • They set the AES_ACME_LEADER_DISABLE environment variable; you'll enable ACME towards the end of the migration.
    • They do NOT create any AuthService or a RateLimitService, since your Emissary-ingress may have these defined. Again, you'll manage these at the end of migration.
    • They do NOT install the Ambassador Agent, since there is already an Ambassador Agent running for Emissary-ingress 3.1.0.

    If any of these do not match your situation, download aes-emissaryns-migration.yaml and edit it as needed.

    Assuming you're using the emissary namespace, as was typical for Emissary-ingress 3.1.0:

    If you need to set AMBASSADOR_LABEL_SELECTOR, download aes-emissaryns-migration.yaml and edit it to do so.

  3. Test!

    Your Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 installation should come up running with the configuration resources used by Emissary-ingress 3.1.0, including Listeners and Hosts.

    If you find that you need to roll back, just reinstall your Emissary-ingress 3.1.0 CRDs and delete your installation of Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0.

  4. When ready, switch over to Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0.

    You can run Emissary-ingress 3.1.0 and Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 side-by-side as long as you care to. When you're ready to have Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 handle traffic on its own, switch your original Emissary-ingress 3.1.0 Service to point to Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0. Use kubectl edit -n emissary service emissary-ingress and change the selectors to:

    Repeat using kubectl edit service ambassador-admin for the ambassador-admin Service.

  5. Install the Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 Ambassador Agent.

    First, scale the Emissary-ingress agent to 0:

    Once that's done, install the new Agent:

  6. Finally, enable ACME and filtering in Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0.

    First, make sure that no AuthService or RateLimitService resources are present; delete these if necessary.

    • If you are currently using an external authentication service that provides functionality you'll still require, turn it into an External Filter (with a FilterPolicy to direct requests that need it correctly).

    • If you are currently using a RateLimitService, you can set up Edge Stack Rate Limiting instead.

    After making sure no AuthService or RateLimitService resources are present, scale the Emissary-ingress Deployment to 0:

    Once that's done, apply resources specific to Ambassador Edge Stack:

    Then, finally, enable ACME and filtering in Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0:

Congratulations! At this point, Ambassador Edge Stack 3.1.0 is fully running, and it's safe to remove the old emissary and emissary-agent Deployments:

You may also want to redirect DNS to the edge-stack Service and remove the ambassador Service.