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Single Sign-On with Keycloak

With Keycloak as your IdP, you will need to create a Client to handle authentication requests from Ambassador Edge Stack. The below instructions are known to work for Keycloak 4.8.

  1. Under "Realm Settings", record the "Name" of the realm your client is in. This will be needed to configure your authorizationURL.

  2. Create a new client: navigate to Clients and select Create. Use the following settings:

    • Client ID: Any value (e.g. ambassador); this value will be used in the clientID field of the Keycloak filter
    • Client Protocol: "openid-connect"
    • Root URL: Leave Blank
  3. Click Save.

  4. On the next screen configure the following options:

    • Access Type: "confidential"
    • Valid Redirect URIs: *
  5. Click Save.

  6. Navigate to the Mappers tab in your Client and click Create.

  7. Configure the following options:

    • Protocol: "openid-connect".
    • Name: Any string. This is just a name for the Mapper
    • Mapper Type: select "Audience"
    • Included Client Audience: select from the dropdown the name of your Client. This will be used as the audience in the Keycloak Filter.
  8. Click Save.

  9. Configure client scope as desired in "Client Scopes" (e.g. offline_access). It's possible to set up Keycloak to not use scope by removing all of them from "Assigned Default Client Scopes".

    Note: All "Assigned Default Client Scopes" must be included in the FilterPolicy scope argument.

Configure Filter and FilterPolicy

Update the Keycloak Filter and FilterPolicy with the following: