3 min • read


Once Ambassador Edge Stack uses a prefix to identify the service to which a given request should be passed, it can rewrite the URL before handing it off to the service.

There are two approaches for rewriting: rewrite for simpler scenarios and regex_rewrite for more advanced rewriting.

Please note that only one of these two can be configured for a mapping at the same time. As a result Ambassador Edge Stack ignores rewrite when regex_rewrite is provided.


By default, the prefix is rewritten to /, so e.g., if we map /backend-api/ to the service service1, then

  • prefix: /backend-api/ which rewrites to / by default.
  • rewrite: /
  • remainder: foo/bar

would effectively be written to

  • prefix: was /backend-api/
  • rewrite: / (by default)

You can change the rewriting: for example, if you choose to rewrite the prefix as /v1/ in this example, the final target would be:

  • prefix: was /backend-api/
  • rewrite: /v1/

And, of course, you can choose to rewrite the prefix to the prefix itself, so that

  • prefix: /backend-api/
  • rewrite: /backend-api/

would be "rewritten" as:


To prevent Ambassador rewrite the matched prefix to / by default, it can be configured to not change the prefix as it forwards a request to the upstream service. To do that, specify an empty rewrite directive:

  • rewrite: ""

In this case requests that match the prefix /backend-api/ will be forwarded to the service without any rewriting:


would be forwarded to:



In some cases, a portion of URL needs to be extracted before making the upstream service URL. For example, suppose that when a request is made to foo/12345/list, the target URL must be rewritten as /bar/12345. We can do this as follows:

([0-9]*) can be replaced with (\d) for simplicity.

  • prefix: /foo/
  • pattern: /foo/12345/list where 12345 captured by ([0-9]*)
  • substitution: /bar/12345 where 12345 substituted by \1

would be forwarded to:


More than one group can be captured in the pattern to be referenced by \2, \3 and \n in the substitution section.

For more information on how Mapping can be configured, see Mappings.