2 min • read


Host Redirect

To effect an HTTP 301 Redirect, the Mapping must set host_redirect to true, with service set to the host to which the client should be redirected:

Using this Mapping, a request to http://$AMBASSADOR_URL/redirect/ will result in an HTTP 301 Redirect to http://httpbin.org/redirect/.

The Mapping may also set path_redirect to change the path portion of the URL during the redirect:

Here, a request to http://$AMBASSADOR_URL/redirect/ will result in an HTTP 301 Redirect to http://httpbin.org/ip. As always with Ambassador Edge Stack, attention paid to the trailing / on a URL is helpful!


In cases when TLS is being terminated at an external layer 7 load balancer, then you would want to redirect only the originating HTTP requests to HTTPS, and let the originating HTTPS requests pass through.

This distinction between an originating HTTP request and an originating HTTPS request is done based on the X-FORWARDED-PROTO header that the external layer 7 load balancer adds to every request it forwards after TLS termination.

To enable this X-FORWARDED-PROTO based HTTP to HTTPS redirection, add a x_forwarded_proto_redirect: true field to ambassador Module's configuration. Note that when this feature is enabled use_remote_address MUST be set to false.

An example configuration is as follows -

Note: Setting x_forwarded_proto_redirect: true will impact all your Ambassador Edge Stack mappings. Every HTTP request to Ambassador Edge Stack will only be allowed to pass if it has an X-FORWARDED-PROTO: https header.