Docsright arrowEdge Stackright arrow1.7right arrowAdd Response Headers

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Add Response Headers

Ambassador Edge Stack can add a dictionary of HTTP headers that can be added to each response that is returned to the client.

The add_response_headers Attribute

The add_response_headers attribute is a dictionary of header: value pairs. The value can be a string, bool or object. When it is an object, the object should have a value property, which is the actual header value, and the remaining attributes are additional envoy properties.

Envoy dynamic values %DOWNSTREAM_REMOTE_ADDRESS_WITHOUT_PORT% and %PROTOCOL% are supported, in addition to static values.

add_response_headers can be set either in a Mapping or using ambassador Module defaults.

Mapping Example

will add the protocol, client IP, and a static header to the response returned to the client.

Defaults Example

This example will add the same headers for both mappings.