Docsright arrowEdge Stackright arrow1.7right arrowManual Installation Guide

7 min • read

Manual Installation Guide

In this guide, we'll walk you through installing, configuring, and customizing the Ambassador Edge Stack in your Kubernetes cluster.

The manual install process does require more user configuration than the quick start method, but it does allow you to control the aspects of your base Edge Stack installation.

Before You Begin

The Ambassador Edge Stack is designed to run in Kubernetes for production. The most essential requirements are:

  • Kubernetes 1.11 or later
  • The kubectl command-line tool

Install the Ambassador Edge Stack

The Ambassador Edge Stack is typically deployed to Kubernetes from the command line. If you don't have Kubernetes, you should use our Docker image to deploy the Ambassador Edge Stack locally.

  1. In your terminal, run the following command:

  2. Determine the IP address or hostname of your cluster by running the following command:

    Your load balancer may take several minutes to provision your IP address. Repeat the provided command until you get an IP address.

    Note: If you are a Minikube user, Minikube does not natively support load balancers. Instead, use minikube service list. You should see something similar to the following:

    Use any of the URLs listed next to ambassador to access the Ambassador Edge Stack.

  3. Navigate to http://<your-IP-address> and click through the certificate warning for access to the Edge Policy Console interface. The certificate warning appears because, by default, the Ambassador Edge Stack uses a self-signed certificate for HTTPS.

    • Chrome users should click Advanced > Proceed to website.
    • Safari users should click Show details > visit the website and provide your password.
  4. To login to the Edge Policy Console, download and install edgectl, the command line tool Edge Control, by following the provided instructions on the page. The Console lists the correct command to run and provides download links for the edgectl binary.

    The Edge Policy Console must authenticate your session using a Kubernetes Secret in your cluster. Edge Control accesses that secret using kubectl, then sends a URL to your browser that contains the corresponding session key. This extra step ensures that access to the Edge Policy Console is just as secure as access to your Kubernetes cluster.

    For more information, see Edge Control.

  5. To access the Edge Policy Console going forward, you can access it using one of the following options:

  • edgectl login -n <namespace> <AES_host> or
  • https://{{AES_URL}}/edge_stack/admin

Configure TLS Termination and Automatic HTTPS

The Ambassador Edge Stack enables TLS termination by default using a self-signed certificate. See the Host CRD for more information about disabling TLS. If you have the ability to update your DNS, Ambassador can automatically configure a valid TLS certificate for you, eliminating the TLS warning. If you do not have the ability to update your DNS, skip to the next section, "Create a Mapping."

  1. Update your DNS so that your domain points to the IP address for your cluster.

  2. In the Edge Policy Console, create a Host resource:

    • On the "Hosts" tab, click the Add button on the right.
    • Enter your hostname (domain) in the hostname field.
    • Check the "Use ACME to manage TLS" box.
    • Review the Terms of Service and check the box that you agree to the Terms of Service.
    • Enter the email address to be associated with your TLS certificate.
    • Click the Save button.

    You'll see the newly created Host resource appear in the UI with a status of "Pending." This will change to "Ready" once the certificate is fully provisioned. If you receive an error that your hostname does not qualify for ACME management, you can still configure TLS manually or by reviewing configuration in the Host CRD.

  3. Once the Host is ready, navigate to https://<hostname> in your browser. Note that the certificate warning has gone away. Additionally, the Ambassador Edge Stack automatically will redirect HTTP connections to HTTPS.

Create a Mapping

In a typical configuration workflow, Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) are used to define the intended behavior of Ambassador Edge Stack. In this example, we'll deploy a sample service and create a Mapping resource. Mappings allow you to associate parts of your domain with different URLs, IP addresses, or prefixes.

  1. We'll start by deploying the quote service. Save the below configuration into a file named quote.yaml. This is a basic configuration that tells Kubernetes to deploy the quote container and create a Kubernetes service that points to the quote container.

  2. Deploy the quote service to the cluster by typing the command kubectl apply -f quote.yaml.

  3. Now, create a Mapping configuration that tells Ambassador to route all traffic from /backend/ to the quote service. Copy the YAML and save it to a file called quote-backend.yaml.

  4. Apply the configuration to the cluster by typing the command kubectl apply -f quote-backend.yaml.

  5. Test the configuration by typing curl -Lk https://<hostname>/backend/ or curl -Lk https://<IP address>/backend/. You should see something similar to the following:

A Single Source of Configuration

In the Ambassador Edge Stack, Kubernetes serves as the single source of configuration. Changes made on the command line (via kubectl) are reflected in the UI, and vice versa. This enables a consistent configuration workflow.

You can see this in action by navigating to the Mappings tab, or the Hosts tab. You'll see an entry for the quote-backend Mapping that was just created on the command line.

  1. To see your mappings via the command line, run kubectl get mappings

  2. If you configured TLS, you can type kubectl get hosts to see the Host resource that was created:

Developer Onboarding

The Quote service we just deployed publishes its API as a Swagger document. This API is automatically detected by the Ambassador Edge Stack and published.

  1. In the Edge Policy Console, navigate to the APIs tab. You'll see the documentation there for internal use.

  2. Navigate to https://<hostname>/docs/ or https://<IP address>/docs/ to see the externally visible Developer Portal (make sure you include the trailing /). This is a fully customizable portal that you can share with third parties who need information about your APIs.

What’s Next?

The Ambassador Edge Stack has a comprehensive range of features to support the requirements of any edge microservice.