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6 min • read

Ambassador Tutorial

In this article, you will explore some of the key features of the Ambassador Edge Stack by walking through an example workflow and exploring the Edge Policy Console.


You must have Ambassador Edge Stack installed in your Kubernetes cluster.

Routing Traffic from the Edge

Like any other Kubernetes object, Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) are used to declaratively define Ambassador’s desired state. The workflow you are going to build uses a sample deployment and the Mapping CRD, which is the core resource that you will use with Ambassador to manage your edge. It enables you to route requests by host and URL path from the edge of your cluster to Kubernetes services.

  1. Copy the configuration below and save it to a file named quote.yaml so that you can deploy these resources to your cluster. This basic configuration creates the quote deployment and a service to expose that deployment on port 80.

  2. Apply the configuration to the cluster with the command kubectl apply -f quote.yaml.

  3. Copy the configuration below and save it to a file called quote-backend.yaml so that you can create a Mapping on your cluster. This Mapping tells Edge Stack to route all traffic inbound to the /backend/ path to the quote service.

  4. Apply the configuration to the cluster with the command kubectl apply -f quote-backend.yaml

  5. Store the Ambassador LoadBalancer address to a local environment variable. You will use this variable to test accessing your pod.

  6. Test the configuration by accessing the service through the Ambassador load balancer.

Success, you have created your first Ambassador Mapping, routing a request from your cluster's edge to a service!

Edge Policy Console

Next, you are going to log in to the Edge Policy Console to explore some of its features. The console is a web-based interface that can be used to configure and monitor Ambassador.

  1. Initially the console is accessed from the load balancer's hostname or public address (depending on your Kubernetes environment). You stored this endpoint earlier as a variable, echo that variable now to your terminal and make a note of it.

  2. In your browser, navigate to http://<load-balancer-endpoint> and follow the prompts to bypass the TLS warning.

    A Host resource is created in production to use your own registered domain name instead of the load balancer endpoint to access the console and your Mapping endpoints.

  3. The next page will prompt you to log in to the console using edgectl, the Ambassador CLI. The page provides instructions on how to install edgectl for all OSes and log in.

  4. Once logged in, click on the Mappings tab in the Edge Policy Console. Scroll down to find an entry for the quote-backend Mapping that you created in your terminal with kubectl.

As you can see, the console lists the Mapping that you created earlier. This information came from Ambassador polling the Kubernetes API. In Ambassador, Kubernetes serves as the single source of truth around cluster configuration. Changes made via kubectl are reflected in the Edge Policy Console and vice versa. Try the following to see this in action.

  1. Click Edit next to the quote-backend entry.

  2. Change the Prefix URL from /backend/ to /quoteme/.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Run kubectl get mappings --namespace ambassador. You will see the quote-backend Mapping has the updated prefix listed. Try to access the endpoint again via curl with the updated prefix.

  5. Change the prefix back to /backend/ so that you can later use the Mapping with other tutorials.

Developer API Documentation

The quote service you just deployed publishes its API as an OpenAPI (formally Swagger) document. Ambassador automatically detects and publishes this documentation. This can help with internal and external developer onboarding by serving as a single point of reference for of all your microservice APIs.

  1. In the Edge Policy Console, navigate to the APIs tab. You'll see the OpenAPI documentation there for the "Quote Service API." Click GET to expand out the documentation.

  2. Navigate to https://<load-balancer-endpoint>/docs/ to see the publicly visible Developer Portal. Make sure you include the trailing /. This is a fully customizable portal that you can share with third parties who need information about your APIs.

Next Steps

Further explore some of the concepts you learned about in this article:

  • Mapping resource: routes traffic from the edge of your cluster to a Kubernetes service
  • Host resource: sets the hostname by which Ambassador will be accessed and secured with TLS certificates
  • Edge Policy Console: a web-based interface used to configure and monitor Edge Stack
  • Developer Portal: publishes an API catalog and OpenAPI documentation

The Ambassador Edge Stack has a comprehensive range of features to support the requirements of any edge microservice.

Learn more about how developers use Edge Stack to manage edge policies.

Learn more about how site reliability engineers and operators run Edge Stack in production environments.

To learn how Edge Stack works, use cases, best practices, and more, check out the Quick Start page or read the Ambassador Story.

For a custom configuration, you can install Edge Stack manually.