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Ambassador Blackbird Quick Start


- [1. Account Sign Up][] - [2. Add API][] - [3. Create Mock][] - [4. Download CLI][] - [5. Login][]

Blackbird will help you accelerate your API development lifecycle reducing the margin for errors and risk, improving consistency and reusability, decreasing time-to-market, and driving positive business outcomes.

For any issues that you encounter, please contact support at

1. Account Sign Up

To get started, you will need to first create an account on the Ambassador Blackbird webpage

Note: A user can only have one account in Blackbird. If you want to be invited to another person’s blackbird organization, please contact us at and have your original account removed.

2. Add API

To unlock the power of Blackbird you will need to either upload an existing OpenAPI specification or create a new one using our prompt engineering

Upload Existing API

  • Under the Catalog Area in the left navigation, click on API.
  • Select Add API to upload your OpenAPI Spec or create a new one.

Create a new API

  • Under the Catalog Area in the left navigation, click on API.
  • Select Add API and select Create New OAS to start the process of generating a new API.

3. Create Mock

Now that you have successfully uploaded your API you can start testing by mocking.

On the API card under the APIs section in the left navigation, select Launch new Mock Server.

4. Download CLI

If you prefer working in the CLI, you can now download the CLI.

GNU/Linux amd64
GNU/Linux arm64
macOS Intel (amd64)
macOS M Series (arm64)

5. Login

Now that you have successfully downloaded the CLI, you will need to log in before you can take any actions.

Run the following command in your terminal, which will open a browser tab for you to log in: